Monday, June 11, 2012

A wet long weekend...

I will admit it... I love the idea of a wet long weekend... it gives me the perfect excuse to indulge in reading, creating, cooking yummy things in the kitchen and most importantly the excuse to dive into the internet, perusing  all my stored design emails...

These are just a few of the things I have found, or re-acquainted myself with...

The very dapper Nicholas Jones creates the most amazing installations... from the humble book... check him out if you haven't before... 

Then there's 
Megan Morton is a stylist, she's based in Sydney town and has this lovely book, she also has a school (for helping us to find our inner stylist among other things!) and a studio to boot...


I also found a gorgeous recipe for sweet potato gnocchi, which I am certain is to be on the menu tonight!

And one last thing I will mention this morning is the oh so quirky use of the old paint-by-numbers we used to do as kids... check this out... I might just have to give this a go :)

Thanks to Design Sponge for sharing and to Janet Lee, author (amongst other things!) of Living in a Nutshell...

I trust you are all enjoying your day, whether it be during a really wet, cold public holiday today or back at work... really wherever you are, lol!

Would love you to share what you do on a wet weekend and what fantastic, unusual, inspiring sites you love to visit...



  1. This wet long weekend I spent my time doing a combination of work and play. The housework won't do itself so I had to schedule that in, sandwiched between christening a new soaping mould for my new round facial bars and re-reading Bryce Courtenay's Fortune Cookie. Oh, and I played with a batch of cream soap that needed tweaking.

    The sites I find inspiring are mostly all soap Of course there is Pinterest as well :)

  2. Oh good on you! I must confess housework is the worst vice of mine - that is not doing it! and a wet weekend with three kids in the house is not conducive to getting it done!
    I am stuck reading all of the Kathy Reich books in order and so loving reading again (left it behind for a while), the only thing being that when I come to the end of the series - where too??
    Love Pinterest too, so many sites, so many great piks and sayings, so little time, lol!
    And as I mentioned I must purchase a bar of the yoghurt and avocado, but think when I look at fb last it wasn't listed... let me know!
