Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Some Sunday Shoppers...

I have an obsession... Sometimes I can hold it back... other times there is no hope... once I spot some, or look out if I am given some... it's all over!  

What am I talking about?  Vintage fabric, specifically floral prints, I cannot help myself... images are conjured of the gorgeous bags I could make... and so this obsession has directed me into creating just the thing... Sunday Shoppers!

I am not sure about you, I bet you do; but I am always at the library, so many good books, so little time... It might be a novel (currently absorbing Kathy Reichs' series), something I have found on the net whilst browsing or a book that a friend recommends; whatever the case a book toting bag is usually in my car... and then there's the quick dash into the shops, the stop-off at the fabric shop, need I go on!  Serious tote bag required...

This is the first cab off the current rank... a bag I created for a special friend's birthday (I know it's not vintage, but she adores purple & paisley!)... but I will have piks ready for listing in my shop for another three just finished this afternoon.  At this stage they are not one-off bags, I have a stash of the prints still available, but get in quick cause they will be limited numbers.  Sunday Shoppers have an inside open pocket and an outside zippered pocket, super handy, super practical!  They are fully lined with quality 100% cotton quilting fabric and interfaced for structure and sturdiness.  They also have a dark coloured base to keep them looking clean, after all they are going to work hard for you!

Of course I would also be more than happy to create a Sunday Shopper for you in your own vintage print, or something else you love :) let me know.

Till tomorrow...

Monday, June 11, 2012

A wet long weekend...

I will admit it... I love the idea of a wet long weekend... it gives me the perfect excuse to indulge in reading, creating, cooking yummy things in the kitchen and most importantly the excuse to dive into the internet, perusing  all my stored design emails...

These are just a few of the things I have found, or re-acquainted myself with...

The very dapper Nicholas Jones creates the most amazing installations... from the humble book... check him out if you haven't before... 

Then there's 
Megan Morton is a stylist, she's based in Sydney town and has this lovely book, she also has a school (for helping us to find our inner stylist among other things!) and a studio to boot...


I also found a gorgeous recipe for sweet potato gnocchi, which I am certain is to be on the menu tonight!

And one last thing I will mention this morning is the oh so quirky use of the old paint-by-numbers we used to do as kids... check this out... I might just have to give this a go :)

Thanks to Design Sponge for sharing and to Janet Lee, author (amongst other things!) of Living in a Nutshell...

I trust you are all enjoying your day, whether it be during a really wet, cold public holiday today or back at work... really wherever you are, lol!

Would love you to share what you do on a wet weekend and what fantastic, unusual, inspiring sites you love to visit...


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A side step...

Wanted to share...

As I look out my dining room window over the water, the sun is setting on another beautiful day... I have a pot of savoury mince on the stove readying itself for a baked shepherd's pie...

Our gorgeous hairdresser, Nina (see link - she's fantastic :)) http://www.facebook.com/missbhive.hair, is working her magic on our 3 little people and myself!

And I have been delving into some creative territory not covered before... what do you think - reverse applique... thinking for my next boho bag and handbag...!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Inspiration from others...

Sharing is such a great asset to this on-line collective we belong to... and I am continually blessed to stumble upon inspiration from others... whether it be by first hand or fourth hand...

This video on Natalie Chanin scratches only the surface of what she has created, and it 'inspired' me to dig deeper into her story, of which I am grateful, but you need not go there, just simply



Friday, May 18, 2012

Little bits about me, painting a picture of ella & jaks...

As this journey of creating takes it's course, so does life, I want to share a little of that with you as we go along...

Not only do I love to create I also love Burmese cats... a love that started before my precious little people...  Rajee and Bentley are no longer with me, I look forward to finding a new feline friend...

The next pik was taken on a cool winter afternoon at a BBQ with gorgeous friends of ours, this is my first daughter, Jordan...

Rajee & Bentley... my main men... loved you boys!

My first daughter Jordan...

Monday, May 14, 2012

New Collection now instore!

Well the time has finally arrived!  The new collection has started to filter in and they have come up a treat...

The collection focuses on three styles - a handbag, a boho style bag and a tote bag...

All of these styles are also available for custom design should you have your own fabric choice in mind - email us :)

Click on the link at the right hand side of our blog to shop for these and more...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sneak peek of new collections...

We are getting very excited here at ella & jaks... our new collections are not far away now... but here's a sneak peek of the combinations we are working with...

What do you think? Let us know...