Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A side step...

Wanted to share...

As I look out my dining room window over the water, the sun is setting on another beautiful day... I have a pot of savoury mince on the stove readying itself for a baked shepherd's pie...

Our gorgeous hairdresser, Nina (see link - she's fantastic :)) http://www.facebook.com/missbhive.hair, is working her magic on our 3 little people and myself!

And I have been delving into some creative territory not covered before... what do you think - reverse applique... thinking for my next boho bag and handbag...!


  1. I have never heard of reverse applique before. I think it will look very interesting :)

  2. yes, I have never really gone into embroidery or appliqué before, but always wanting to expand the creative horizons :)
