Monday, April 23, 2012

Sneak peek of new collections...

We are getting very excited here at ella & jaks... our new collections are not far away now... but here's a sneak peek of the combinations we are working with...

What do you think? Let us know...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

**ella & jaks clearance sale**

Okay, so we are now in full swing with our super dooper clearance sale!  We have new collections arriving in store soon and we would love to find homes for our current stock.

Have a squiz at our Madeit store :)

ella & jaks on Madeit


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Loving a smaller bag...

I love checking my inbox each morning, and seeing what inspiration and trends are happening out there right now...

And whilst this blog post on is talking handbags for Spring, there is still something about a smaller handbag - there is no searching to the bottom looking for something you think you had in there... there is no feeling of lugging the kitchen sink and more... and for me (as I am only short) it all works in proportion!

What do you think?